Disaster Tech Lab

News Please help us by donating your airmiles.

Please help us by donating your airmiles.

Due to our long term commitment to help the Philippines following typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda, we have a huge logistical challenge of not only getting essential supplies, but most importantly, team members, all of whom are volunteers, to the Philippines.

The teams are comprised of highly skilled medical and technical experts in their respective fields and comprise of volunteers from both the US and Europe.

Teams will have to be rotated on a 2-week basis on average. This means that we will need to secure flights for a minimum of 5 people every 14 days.

This will be an impossible task without your help!

A great way to help us secure these much needed flights is by donating airmiles. A lot of you are frequent flyers and might have a lot of Airmiles saved up. This is a great way to use them. We can pool donated airmiles to cover the cost of the flights.

If you have airmiles and would like to donate them please contact us via email and we will follow up with you.

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