June 29, 2015
cctv americasdisaster responseevert boppinterview
Disaster Tech Lab's CEO was recently interviewed by CCTV-Americas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRQ1MIrG47g
December 16, 2014
#commisaid#hagupit#rubyph#yolandaph #philippines #haiyan #telecomsarapalCambiumcebucommunicationdisaster responsedisaster tech lab
A big part of our work is sharing our knowledge and making sure that we leave the communities to whose..
May 23, 2014
communicationscrisisignaldisaster responsedisastertechhaiyanopensignalSandysurveyyolanda
It was in December 2012 at the start of our deployment following hurricane Sandy that we carried out our first..
March 19, 2014
#wlpcconferencedisaster responseevert boppkeith parsonspresentationwifiwlan pro
Wireless Guru extraordinaire Keith Parsons offered us an opportunity to speak at the 1st WLAN Pros Summit in Austin TX last..
February 16, 2014
#wfd6disaster responsewifiwireless field day
Below is my presentation from the recent Wireless Field Day in San Jose.
May 2, 2013
#smemcrisidatacrisisdisaster responseFacebookSocial mediatwitter
Following the recent Boston bombings there has again been a lot of discussion on the role which social media plays..
January 8, 2013
disaster responseFederal Emergency Management AgencyFemaHaitiNew York CityNYCSandyWhite House
2013 is set to become a very exciting year for Disaster Tech Lab. Only 6 months after it was started..
June 14, 2012
disaster responseincident supportphilidelphia medical reserve corpsSocial mediavsot
Philadelphia Medical Reserve Corps VOST Introduction View more PowerPoint from Jim Garrow