- August 17, 2016
- admin
- #commisaidcommsdisaster tech labfloodinglouisianaresponsewifi
The state of Louisiana is has been hit by what some have descibed as a "once in a 1000 year"..
- March 30, 2015
- admin
- digiceldisasterdisastertechdisastertechlabpamresponsetechvanuatu
Our first team member has been on the ground for 24 hours and has established contact with local partners as..
- December 10, 2014
- admin
- #hagupit#rubycebudisaster tech labemergencyphilippinesresponsetyphoon
Sitrep received from our team in Camp Arapal (North Cebu) this morning: Power has been restored to the camp. 1st..
- December 9, 2014
- admin
- #hagupit#rubycebudisaster tech labemergencyphilippinesresponsetyphoon
As typhoon Ruby was making landfall in East Samar our team members started arriving in Cebu. With people flying in..
- August 24, 2014
- admin
- deploymentdisaster tech labearthquakenapaquakeresponsestatus
Napa (north of San Francisco) was hit by a 6.0 earthquake a few hours ago. There has been lots of..
- May 3, 2014
- admin
- #BaxterSprings#KSdisaster tech labgatrKansasresponsetornado
Our team deployed in Baxter Springs KS following the recent tornado there was yesterday featured on KOAM news. As mentioned..