- August 17, 2016
- admin
- #commisaidcommsdisaster tech labfloodinglouisianaresponsewifi
The state of Louisiana is has been hit by what some have descibed as a "once in a 1000 year"..
- February 2, 2015
- admin
- #commisaidAruba NetworksCambiumcebudisaster tech labGrandstreamphilippineswifi
With the end of the December Philippines deployment now just over a month behind us we have completed the technical..
- December 16, 2014
- admin
- #commisaid#hagupit#rubyph#yolandaph #philippines #haiyan #telecomsarapalCambiumcebucommunicationdisaster responsedisaster tech lab
A big part of our work is sharing our knowledge and making sure that we leave the communities to whose..